MBA In Entrepreneurship

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MBA In Entrepreneurship

MBA In Entrepreneurship

Assessments: Assignments, Projects and Case Studies

Delivery Mode

The MBA in Entrepreneurship aims to develop your entrepreneurial flair within the context of a well-rounded business management education. This program is for you if you’re:

  • An experienced manager who wants to develop entrepreneurial skills
  • A seasoned entrepreneur looking to improve managerial skills
  • A public sector professional with responsibility for organizational or career change
  • A social entrepreneur

MBA in Entrepreneurship is designed to equip students with the requisite skills, knowledge  and networks needed to become entrepreneurs and innovators. The program builds in students the ability to create business ideas, develop these ideas into product and service offerings  and then design a commercial venture to take business ideas to the market.

Students are aided in developing knowledge in important areas of entrepreneurship including learning how to commercialize their business ideas, how to seek venture capital financing for their ventures and how to develop commercial business organizations.

MBA in Entrepreneurship course explores entrepreneurship as the passage of a business idea into a new commercial venture; creating an opportunities to contribute to the society by offering employment to the unemployed.

  • Allow you to develop a very sound business plan, find new ventures and also identify new opportunities
  • You will have an opportunity to receive hands-on learning experiences

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) has since its inception in 2012, made rapid strides in providing quality education to many students – making it one of the few large and most sought after distance learning institutes in India.

SGVU’s distance education programs such as BBA, B.Com & BA are designed for working professionals which provides the students with the convenience of learning without sacrificing career or time. These distance education programs are further empowered to offer the students a true anytime, anywhere learning experience with live & interactive digital learning and robust student support. Owing to the quality of educational programs offered and the degree awarded in regular mode, there is a great demand for the programs offered by the university across the nation.

The online programs are carefully designed to impart the necessary basic managerial and leadership skills and bridge the gap between the expectations of the industry and the actual attainment of the student. With their online programs, students can get the best of both worlds the comfort & flexibility of online education, with the equivalence that is acquired through an on-campus, conventional degree.

The theoretical, as well as practical classes, are conducted as per the norms laid down by University Grant Commission, Distance Education Council (DEC). The conduction of the programs is further strictly coordinated, monitored and controlled by the Staff Members, Senior Officers, and the Director of CDOE, SGVU.

Entrepreneurs start and run new businesses either with or without a team; they enjoy the rewards of self-employment and tackle the challenges of starting businesses and making them profitable. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and would like to work for yourself, there are many possible career paths you can follow post completion of this accredited MBA program:

  • Management Analysts
  • Business Development Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Construction Manager
  • Real Estate Appraiser & Brokerage
  • Investment Consultant
  • Management

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